Let's Talk About Hormones

I've briefly mentioned this on Instagram, but I'm in the middle of my hormone healing journey and I said I would keep you updated because let's be honest, who doesn't need to heal their hormones? Between pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, toxic beauty products, cleaning supplies, food and everything else we go through as women, I think we are all a little wrecked in the hormone department, right?πŸ˜‚ Some more than others, I'm sureπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ.

So, I wanted to share one thing that's been making a huge difference for me.

Brief backstory: I have PCOS and Hashimoto's Disease (super fun), so I've struggled infertility, irregular periods, acne, painful hives on my elbows (it's rare but it's a thing that ruined my life for 5 yearsπŸ˜‚), and most recently, short cycles and long-lasting bleeding. In June I bled for 31 days straight. Yes, you read that correctly: 31 days straight.πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

Every doctor I've gone to tells me birth control is the answer, and while I know the pill has a time and a place for some people, I believe it's something that has thrown off my system even more. So, I've done what I can to clear my body of synthetic hormones, environmental toxins (the best I can, anyway) and have been working hard to fuel my body with foods that it needs to heal. However, this isn't always easy, especially when you have a million other things going in in life!

In order to set myself up for success, I started making one meal on Mondays that is full of nutrients, takes less than 30 minutes, and makes enough for me to have leftovers for lunch for 3-4 days. Knowing that it's prepped and ready for me in the fridge makes prioritizing these nutrients and my hormones so easy.


Why does this meal help your hormones? It's loaded with fiber, healthy fats, grass-fed protein and long-lasting carbs β€” all of which promote healthy hormone production.

While I still have a long way to go, I'm also celebrating how far I've come.

Whether you're healing hormones, recovering from postpartum, need more energy during the day or simply want to feel better, I highly recommend giving this simple tip a try. And if you like to cook (I do not), comment your favorite dinner ideas on this post so I can see them! I'd love to give them a try.

Here’s to healthy hormones!
