It's Okay to Slow Down.

A few weeks ago I opened up a little bit on my stories about how I started therapy because I have been REALLY struggling to find the work/life balance. I feel like I'm being pulled in so many different directions and I get so overwhelmed by it all! 

Dozens of Roles to Fill

I'm trying to play the role of mom, wife, chef, housekeeper, taxi driver, sleep consultant, content creator, friend, neighbor, teacher, etc, all while trying to take care of myself too so I have enough of me to give to all the people in my life who need me. I'm also trying to be a more present mother, wife, and person in general, which causes me to push all my roles aside and just be. But then I fall behind on everything I need to do and feel overwhelmed all over again!

I've wanted to be a mom my entire life. It's literally all I ever dreamed of. And now it's here and sometimes I feel like I'm missing it because I'm focused on SO many things at once. Do you ever feel that way? Just me!?

My Stroke of Inspiration

In my last therapy session I had this thought: "What if I didn't try to do it all? What if I only showed up for others a few times a month, and for myself and my family everyday? Then what?"

The feelings that came after that thought were incredible. Calm, peace, comfort, relief, hope, excitement, and more peace. I’ve been playing with that thought in my head for weeks, and I think I'm ready to try something new.

I’ve decided to trim back my virtual consultation availability significantly. Instead of having availability 2-3 times per week, I will have openings 2-3 times per month.

Everything You Need to Sleep

Don’t panic! I’ve spent the last 18 months working my booty off to make sure you have every single tool you’ll ever need to teach your baby how to sleep. I would never leave you hangin’! In fact, I’m not leaving at all. I’m simply cutting down my time on answering specific questions for now.

In case you need this reminder like I did, it’s totally okay to slow down. It’s okay to cut back on things if it gets to be too much. It’s okay to take a step back and make changes in your life at any time. Your mental health is everything so prioritize it, always! 

As much as I love helping you with your babies, in this season of my life, I need to focus a little more on MY babies before they grow up and I miss it.

As always, thanks for your love and support.

Happy sleeping!
