3 Quick Hairstyles for Busy Moms: Live with Johanna Westbrook

Welcome to part two of our self-care series with Johanna Westbrook, a hair and hairstyle guru. Her sweet baby girl is eight weeks old, so Johanna of all people knows what it’s like to need easy, go-to hairstyles! Below you will find screenshots of her Live with Jessalyn, which is saved to The Sleep Fairy IGTV. Be sure to watch the step-by-step tutorial so you can incorporate these into your own routine!

Style #1: The Messy Bun

Johanna said (and we agree!) that every mom needs a few messy buns to be able to pull out when they need to. For this one, she uses a scrunchie to get more volume, as well as bobby pins to pin the sides down so it doesn’t flop everywhere. Pull out the sides a little so it’s not so tight, and voila! Your hair is out of your face in stylish fashion.

Style #2: Side Twists

Next style: some side twists Johanna has done in her hair since seventh grade! She pulled all her hair back out of the way in a ponytail, then split two strips of the front hair into two small pieces. Cross the two pieces and add a little hair from the front every time you’re about to cross it over. Use a clear elastic to anchor them up and behind your ear. The great thing about these twists is that you can either wear your hair down and have it still out of your face, or you can use it as a way to dress up a simple ponytail!

Style #3: Faux French Braids

Johanna used those same twists for faux french braids, for those of us whose fingers get a little crampy braiding our own hair (especially if it’s really long!) A twist doesn’t require quite as much dexterity, and once you’ve pulled all the hair in, she separates it into three pieces and just ends with a normal braid. It’s super cute, different, and practical—a combo we all love!

Where to Find Johanna

We had a blast with Johanna here on The Sleep Fairy! She is so fun and creative, and that is evident in her repertoire of hairstyles. Check out her Instagram @johannawestbrook_ where she talks all about hair care tips, hairstyle tutorials, busy mom hairdos, and new mom life. We’d love to collaborate with her again!

Enjoy getting ready!
