#127 - Let’s Talk about Postpartum

From the day we found out we are pregnant until the day we deliver our baby, we are given all kinds of information so we know exactly what to expect for both pregnancy and birth. But what about after? What about once the baby comes, you make it home from the hospital and now you are supposed to figure out parenthood AND figure out what’s happening to your body and hormones? It’s honestly crazy to me that nobody talks about it! I genuinely want to change that. I want to open up about postpartum so moms can understand what is happening and focus more on their baby and less on their changing body! In this episode I’m going to share five things that I wish I knew about postpartum so you can feel more prepared for what’s to come.

FREE Postpartum Guide HERE

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Jessalyn Romney
#126: Sleep Training Myths Debunked

There are so many myths out there about sleep training, and I don’t want false information to hold you back from getting the sleep you deserve. In this episode I’m going to go through the top 6 myths about sleep training, and tell you why these are not true!

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Jessalyn Romney
#125 - Sleep Training With Newborn and Toddler

My husband and I always joke that the hardest part of having a baby is having a toddler, but it can honestly feel that way when you are trying to sleep train your baby! Your toddler might be interrupting naps, have places to be, or want more attention than they’ve been getting. All of these are very normal, but they don’t mean you can’t teach your baby how to sleep! Today’s episode is all about what you can do to teach your baby how to sleep, even when you have other kids to take care of. 

Mini Courses, Video Course and Consultations

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Jessalyn Romney
#123 - How to Troubleshoot Short Naps

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “sleep trigger” before, but what exactly does it mean? How do you incorporate it into your baby’s routine in order to help them sleep better? I’ll be sharing several examples of sleep triggers so that you can start using them in your baby’s everyday routine to help promote better sleep!

Melli Baby Sleep Sack and Binky Links

Douni Sound Machine

Mini Courses, Video Course and Consultations

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Jessalyn Romney
#122 - What is a Sleep Trigger?

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “sleep trigger” before, but what exactly does it mean? How do you incorporate it into your baby’s routine in order to help them sleep better? I’ll be sharing several examples of sleep triggers so that you can start using them in your baby’s everyday routine to help promote better sleep!

Melli Baby Sleep Sack and Binky Links

Douni Sound Machine

Mini Courses, Video Course and Consultations

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Jessalyn Romney
#116 - Sickness and Sleep

Unfortunately, cold and flu season is officially here! Also unfortunately, regardless of how cautious we are, babies just get sick sometimes! Luckily, there are things you can do to help your baby feel better and still get the sleep that they need. In this episode I’m sharing three things you can do when your baby is sick, especially if you have been working hard on sleep.

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Jessalyn Romney